Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dear Jacky of 5 years ago...

Today, you're turning 16. Dad is going to pull you out of school at lunch time to take you to the Secretary of State to get your license. He didn't tell you this and you didn't take the time to do your hair or put make up on. Don't worry, your picture still turns out fine.

You've just started a new school half way through your high school career. It seems scary. It seems like no one knows you or cares about you. This isn't true. You are new, but people still like you. Your high school is an amazing community so please take this opportunity to learn who you are. High school doesn't last forever and the scars that you have on your personality from being a painfully shy 16 year old still lasts today.

You're gorgeous. You have the ability to be the outgoing, bubbly cheerleader that you dream to be. You're going to grow up way too quickly in the next two years. Enjoy the innocence while you can. Seek out God a little more. He's waiting for you, I promise. You've felt his presence before but I promise there is a time when you feel his presence every single day of your life.

You are a daughter of God and should always expect to be treated as such. Expect more out of the men in your life. Even Dad. Especially Dad. He's going to continue to let you down again and again. Don't let yourself become bitter over it though. Don't let it ruin you.

Love more. Fear less. Forgive easier. Don't be afraid of getting attached. Don't be afraid to speak up. Never miss an opportunity to say 'I love you'. The next few years are going to be the hardest you've ever had but it does get better. It gets so much better baby. Just wait.

In the mean time, don't ever let them see you sweat.

love love love love
your future self.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wish we were able to write notes to our past selves. I would have so much to say. But mostly I would give hope :)