Monday, July 18, 2011

Life Should be a party monday!

It's my first Monday in Utah (okay, that's a lie, but it's my first Monday in Utah alone!) and I'm pretty darn happy that I'm here. That alone is reason enough for me to party but after I got thinking about it, I have a lot of other reason's to party this week. 

- I have an interview for a job on Tuesday! 
- I took a drive tonight and ended up at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and had one of the most spiritual experiences I've ever had. 
- I saw a rainbow 
- I've only been here a week but I have the most amazing boy that treats me like gold and loves me for me. (I swear I didn't meet him and fall for him in a week. I'll tell you the story soon. Promise. I'm just waiting for the right time) 
- The boy likes to do silly things like take me to llama festivals because they make me happy. 
- Someday, we're going to have a horse, llama, sheep, and dog farm one day. But no bunnies. Bunnies smell. 
- My 5 boxes that I shipped from Michigan FINALLY got here so now I have even more clothes to put away. 
- My mom and I finished my craft table before she left. Well, not finished but made it look really pretty!
- I have a list of projects I want to do in the event of a 'homesick' emergency. 
- I made it through my first night alone in my apartment with minimal tears. 
- I have the best puppers in the entire world. 
- I'm happier than I have ever been in my whole entire life. 


So tell me...why is your life a party this week?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read the story about the boy. ;0)