Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 10 on 10

I've been waiting for like 3 weeks for the 10th to roll around so I could link up with Rebekah from a bit of sunshine. She started this photo can read more about it here

This is what I was up to today. :)

1. 11am- checking my sugar for the morning. It was low today! yay!
2. 12noon- The river that runs through the property. On my morning walk.
3. 1pm- I had an audience while making lunch.
4. 2pm- Mail got delivered and as I was running back inside, I realized how pretty my welcome matt is.
5. 3pm- Taking a little Pinterest & TV break from job applications.
6. 4pm- Running some errands and seeing the mountains makes me all sorts of happy.
7. 5pm- Charlie says 'HAY' while taking a potty break.
8. 6pm- On our evening walk, the sun breaking through the 2 buildings.
9. 7pm- Cleaning up the dishes, I caught a glance at my 2 newest salt and pepper shakers that were a gift from my wonderful sister. They're adorable!
10. 8pm- ending the night with some Scripture reading.


ten on ten button large


kim {the non-mom blogger} said...

Your puppy is so cute! Love the the way he lays!

amy said...

Beautiful mountain shot as you are running errands!

Anonymous said...

lol...that face your dog is making in the second pic is soooo cute!!!