Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dear Utah,

I'm really sorry, but your State Fair doesn't hold a candle to the Michigan State Fair...

You were still fun though! 

You had huge cows...

...cute goats...

...attention hungry goats...

...goats that like to go on hikes...(this is the way T will get me to go hiking. If we can bring goats...)

...potato pirates...

...snoopy in veggie form...


...cows made of butter...(okay, that was more gross than cool really)

...geese dressed as humans...

...and retro state trooper cars!!! 

All in all, Utah gets a 8 out of 10 for their fair. I'm also very glad that we chose to go to the fair and NOT watch the poor excuse for a football game that was the BYU vs U of U football game Saturday night. :) 

Oh, and the ONLY picture I took on my birthday last Tuesday? 
You can see where my priorities lie...with the food. ;) 

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