Sunday, November 13, 2011

Wedding Inspiration: Glitter Shoes

After not being able to find sufficiently glittery pink high heels, I resorted to making my own. After a little googling and a lot of reading of different blogs I felt confident in making these. They turned out AH-MAY-ZING! So I wanted to share! 

- Shoes (I bought mine at Target for $29.99. What a steal!!!) 
- Glitter (I bought 2 giant things of glitter thinking I might run out. Uhm yeah, I barely used 1/4 of one) 
- Mod podge (Don't listen to crazy Michael's employees who tell you to use something else. Go with the Mod Podge. Even if it does earn you nasty stares by said employee while checking out. Meh)
- Sponge brush (This one worked really well. I didn't bother with the other brushes I bought. They were only 99 cents anyway) 
- Newspaper or shoe box top to ensure you don't get mod podged glitter on your table (even though I did that and still ended up with glitter glops on my table. Oops.) 
Paper bowl or another disposable container (I used a little plastic container with a top. I was able to screw the top back on to make sure the glue didn't dry out between coats. You can also cover whatever you use with paper towel too.)
- Optional: sand paper or nail file and painters tape or masking tape


1. If you're using patent leather like mine, take a nail file or sand paper and quickly buff the entire shoe. It helps the glitter adhere to the surface of the shoe a little better.

2. If you're using 2 colors of glitter (I added a little bit of silver to mine) mix the two colors together until you've got the color you like. 

3. Add the Mod Podge and mix until the consistency is thin enough that you can paint with it and there's enough glitter to your liking. 

4. This part is optional and is where the tape comes in. If you're patient and a little OCD, you can tape the soles and heels of the shoes to make sure the glitter doesn't get anywhere you want. I started to do this, got half way around the shoe and got impatient. There are a few spots of errant glitter, but it doesn't look awful. 

5. Take the sponge brush and start painting!!! Make sure you do this in thin coats. You're going to build the glitter layer by layer. I didn't do this and I have a few bumps on the toe of my shoe. It's not that noticeable, but it annoyed me. 

The glitter will appear patchy at first like above. Thats totally okay. It'll turn out perfectly. 

6. Let the first coat dry completely (about 15-20 minutes) and then do another coat. Remember to do thin layers. This is what they looked like after two layers:

7. Keep painting layers and letting them dry between coats until you get the desired amount of glitter. I did a total of 4 coats. 

8. Let it dry over night (or for a few hours. Just so they're totally dry.)

9. Do another coat of JUST Mod Podge to make sure the glitter won't fall of every time you walk. Although, leaving a trail of glitter wherever you go sounds kind of appealing. ;) 

The final product: 

They're TO DIE FOR. I can't wait to wear them when we get married! And all in all cost me about $45. Not too shabby. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! They turned out beautifully!