Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Little Bit of Home

Oh my. 

Can someone please stuff me in a basement someplace next time I get the bright idea to drive 1,600 miles alone with a dog? Because I should be committed for attempting it. 

I left on Saturday and was delighted that my allergies decided to make the trip with me. By Sunday I was so sick I couldn't drive. So I spent Mother's day curled up in bed alternating between blowing my nose and sleeping and letting the dog out (who, by the way, was a complete angel the entire trip). 

Monday I made it to Omaha and had to stop. I hit a wall and called my mom crying. She called Todd and in an hour, he had a plane ticket to come and rescue me. My knight in shining armor and my fairy godmother (in the form of my own mother) saved the day and saved my sanity.

I was a day late getting to Michigan and I missed something hilarious (which is getting it's own post, by the way) but I was so happy to be home. 

And Saturday we got to party. Wanna see? 

I got to wear my dress again (score) 
I got to see friends and family that I haven't seen since leaving Michigan (double score) 
And the food that we had at the reception was to. die. for. (triple score)

Next time, though, I'll be flying to Michigan. 

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