Sunday, August 28, 2011

an update for momma

According to my mom, my blog called and said it missed me. Even though I just posted something the other day. ;) But I've been meaning to post about the past few weekends anyway. you go! 

It's no secret that I love houses. I really love looking at houses and it's just a problem. (I come by it honestly. My mom has the same disease.) So when I saw that Salt Lake had a Parade of Homes and that a lot of them were in the Daybreak development (seriously the coolest neighborhood ever) I got really excited. THEN, I realized that the UP! house that had been built was a. in Utah and b. in the parade of homes. I forced T to come with me and we spend Friday night drooling over houses. It was fun. 


The inside of the house was done exactly like in the movie too. So cool. 

T and I have a goofy tradition of going on Temple dates. I don't have a recommend yet :( so we can only go outside, but we always seem to have the best times on the grounds. Last night, we went up to the Bountiful Temple. We went up last Sunday, but the grounds were closed so we decided to go up during the week. The views? Gorgeous. 

It was the first time I touched a Temple. :)

We were goofing around as usual. I know it's not the most reverent thing to do, goof around on Temple grounds, but whenever I'm there with him, I always get into this giddy, happy mood and I can't help myself. So we were being silly sitting near one of the fountains and T accidentally knocked my glasses off of my head (they had been on the top of my head) and into the fountain! It was a good thing T has long arms and the fountain was fairly shallow. He would have been going to a swim otherwise. ;) 

Love this place 
T's giving a talk in his ward tomorrow, so being the good girlfriend I am, I'm going to go down there and listen to him! yay! :) 

Happy Sunday everyone!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I love that UP house!