Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Did you know you can BAKE bacon?

'tis true my lovely readers. You can, in fact, cook bacon in the oven. 

I had some bacon that I bought with the intention of frying, but never did. It was coming close to expiring and I didn't want it to go to waste. I don't remember how I ended up finding the wonderful news that you can make it in the oven, but somehow, thanks to the internets I did. 

Start with a cookie sheet. Line it with aluminum foil (Use two sheets. Trust me. Just use two.) The aluminum saves you mucho time on clean up afterwards. 

Lay the bacon on the sheet. Did you notice that I didn't tell you to preheat the oven? I meant to do that. DON'T preheat the oven. I don't really know why, but just listen to the recipe, kay? ;) So, put the bacon in a cold oven, turn the heat up to 400* and walk away. Set a timer for 17 minutes and come back and check it. The recipe said to cook for 17-20 minutes but mine was done at 17 minutes. The bacon will burn quickly too, so watch it. Also, the closer to the bottom of the oven (or wherever the heating unit is in your oven) the crispier the bacon will be. I had 2 sheets in there. The one on the lower rack was nice and crispy the one on the top was more soft. 

PERFECTLY COOKED BACON! Without the nasty jumping burning grease that I am terrified of. 

The best part? 

You can crumple up the tin foil afterwards. It makes clean up a breeze. :) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't really like bacon...
BUT--you can also microwave it. My parents did this when we were kids. Ew.