Thursday, October 27, 2011

well this is awkward...

Can I just review my last week and a half with you by the numbers? 

1 visit to the Urgent Care
6 times the stupid hospital swabbed my throat for strep. Why does that hurt SO MUCH?! 
3 emergency room visits (two past 10 pm. awesome) 
3 ER doctors that told me that there was nothing wrong with me when, in fact, I had strep throat. 
102 - the highest my fever spiked
1 nervous mama bear who flew 1,600 miles just to take care of me
1 amazing fiance that took wonderful care of me until mama bear rescued him
4398573498573- hours slept in 7 days 
34984739857349857 - number of pills I took to keep my functioning. 
8 days to get me back to feeling like I was human. 

Worst. Week. Of. My. Life. 

I wasn't feeling all that awesome last Sunday but by Monday evening, I was feeling better even though my sore throat was still there. It all spiraled down hill from there. I was so sick...and the doctors told me it was just a viral infection therefore nothing they could do. 

Have you ever tried to swallow razor blades? I don't recommend it. Because thats what it felt like when I was sick. Ew. 

In true to Jacky form, I did take a bunch of pictures to put up here so I had something worthwhile to blog about. Yep. I worry about what I'm going to blog about when I have a 102* fever. Never say I'm not dedicated to my blog ;) 

I love my Post Secret app on my phone...I save the secrets I like the most. Especially when they apply to me! :) 

In the ER. At least I had a TV to keep my company at 2am?

He just wants to snug. I just want to watch tv and sleep! 

Truth. Again, I love Post Secret :)

Fiance and pup snuggles! :) 

 done and done ;) 

She couldn't quite figure out why my Mac wasn't charging. ;) 

And to top it all off, I missed T's 27th birthday because I was so sick! Bummer. :( So, I made it up to him with a cake and presents the day after. :)

Oh. And I found a wedding dress. It's in my closet at this very moment. And no, you do not get to see it. :) 

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