Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Christmas Preview With Out of Order Photos :)

For the love of all things holy I can't get these photos in the right order. Blogger...you suck. :) No Mac plus uploading photos from Blogger's iPhone app + a girl that has to get up in 5 hours to catch a flight = one impatiently thrown together blog post. 

Sorry darlings. :) 

Christmas Eve started out with a flight from Salt Lake to Detroit. 

This is Detroit: 

This was Salt Lake: (Pretend they're in reverse order.)

I kicked off my four day stay at home with a little B&E bonding time with Kelly. Mom was next door...impressing the neighbor's parents who were in from out of town. She'll forever be known as the crazy lady who had an emergency while her house was locked and she didn't have a key. Typical. 

Kelly is climbing INTO the house. (pretend the photos are reversed here too. Darn iPhone) 

Then my dad pretended he was gangster. 

Then Todd & I got some pretty sweet Tigers shirts. We're going to sport them together. In Utah. Yep, we're cool. 

The puppy snuggles

This was while my dad was being gangster. Kelly got an ugly sweater. She asked for an ugly Christmas sweater. No joke. 

My fav present is currently stashed away in my bag and I'm too lazy to go and get it and take a picture and upload it and mess up the formatting and blah blah. But, I got the DSLR camera I've been wishing, hoping, praying, begging for! SO EXCITED! 

(insert picture of Nikon D50 aka the best Christmas present ever) 

Sigh. That is pretty much the definition of my trip home. Lots of food, family, laughing, more food, more laughing and a dash more food. I have more photos on both my old and new camera that, like I said, am far too lazy to upload. I will when I get home though.  

For now, this girl is off to bed to catch some ZZZs before her 810am flight back to Utah 


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