Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Growing Up

18 days from now I'll have my college degree. I've been working toward that day for a majority of my life. Preschool. Elementary school. Middle school. High school. . .and finally college. Everything has lead up to this. This is what everyone prepares for. That climactic moment where someone inevitably gives you the Dr. Seuss book 'Oh The Places You'll Go' and expects you to treat the book like your own personal guide to life after graduation.

I've always been a student. It's been my identity for 20 some odd years. The one thing in my life that defines my purpose so clearly is vanishing in less than 30 days.

Needless to say, I'm having a bit of an identity crisis and going into slight panic mode. The real world is calling and I'd really like to screen it. Let life leave me a message after the beep. I promise I'll return the call. Maybe. But I think me and my future are in a fight.

So, I've turned to blogging. I figure it'll show me where I've been, how I've changed and how different my life is when I read this post a year from now. My future is hurtling toward me like a run away train. I'd like to record what happens when that train finally runs me over.

"You're educated. Your certification is your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world." - Tom Brokaw 

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