Friday, July 15, 2011

Home :)

We finally made it to Utah! 

I couldn't believe how beautiful the Temple was at night

Sunday I went out to dinner with T and after we went to dinner we took a walk around Temple Square. If you have never seen Temple Square at night I highly recommend that you do. It was the most beautiful place I've ever been. 

Monday we got all moved in to the apartment. We've spent the entire week slowly turning this apartment into a cozy little nest for me. I can't express how grateful I am to have such an amazing woman as my mom. She is the only reason that I haven't had a break down while moving out here. 

Tuesday and Wednesday were spent making endless Ikea, Target, and Home Depot runs. 

Today was the first time that we got a chance to do a little sight seeing. We braved the scary I-80 stretch of highway through the mountains and drove into Park City. I'll let the photographs tell you how gorgeous this place is. 

The Olympic ski training center. People would 'ski' off the jumps into the pool. It was pretty cool.  

Back to the Valley we go! 

When I saw that I have never been this happy in my entire life, I mean it. Not a second goes by where I don't marvel at what Heavenly Father has given me. I know that I am truly blessed and because of this happiness, I know I'm doing the right thing. It's going to be scary the night my mom leaves and I'm alone. I already have a support system out here and I know that my faith and friends will get me through those tough times. 

I just can't believe I'm finally living here. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go girl! You made it! It looks beautiful from the pictures. You might get lonely at times, but you always have the Bible and your blog to keep you occupied! And, as you said, you already have a support system there. That's amazing! Congrats on the move.