Thursday, May 19, 2011

Challenge part 10

 Another picture of you and your friends

Okay. I know the prompt says friends, but Amanda  deserves an entire pose to herself. (Check out her blog, it's super cute and I adore her so much) Plus, I think this is the only photo we have together and it's probably 3 years old. :( 

Anyway, Amanda and I have been friends since high school and she lives in Connecticut right now and before that she lived in Idaho. I've seen her once since I graduated, but she's still one of my very best friends. I don't get to talk to her as much as I'd like, but it's my own fault :( 

Hopefully I'll get to see her once more before I go to Utah! The train to NYC is super cheap and right by where she lives! yay! 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

aww I love you! & I can't believe I forgot to get a picture taken with you at Christmas time...definitely needs to change! Maybe when you come visit :)