Saturday, May 7, 2011

Dear Grand Rapids,

We've had our ups and downs. There have been times I sat in my car sobbing because I don't want to come back to you. There have been times when all I wanted was to be in the city. I'm leaving you in three days and I'm going to miss you. Four years have come and gone in what feels like a blink of an eye. 

You watched me fall in love. 
You watched me get my heart broken. 3 times. 
You watched me experience the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. 
You watched as I sat, lonely, in my freshman year dorm room without one single friend. 
You watched me discover my passion for public relations. 
You watched me as I welcomed the Missionaries into my apartment and embark on a life changing journey. 
You watched as I sat in my car that first Sunday morning, praying for the strength to just go. 
You watched as one of my best friends changed right in front of my eyes. 
You watched as I discovered my love for politics.
You watched as my love for politics was tarnished and you watched my dreams change in the blink of an eye.  
You watched as my father told me he was getting remarried and that I wasn't invited to the wedding. 
You watched as I sobbed into my pillow so many nights, wanting the pain to stop. 
You watched me laugh and never wanting to my time with you end. 
You watched me grow into the woman I am today. 

I'm going to miss walking up and down the banks of the River with the pup, just staring at the water rushing by. 
I'm going to miss driving over the bridges, straining to see how high the river was that day. 
I'm going to miss walking down the hill. 
I'm going to miss Justin, Paul, Sammy, and Mandy.
I'm going to miss having Lake Michigan so close to me. 
I'm going to miss Saugatuck, Grand Haven, and Douglas. 
I'm going to miss being 3 short hours away from Chicago. 
I'm going to miss the Sushi Yama, Marado Sushi, Yesterdog, Wealthy Street Bakery (even if it IS owned by a Dem ;) ), Marie Catribes, and The Electric Cheetah. 
I'm going to miss Wealthy Street, East Grand Rapids, Heritage Hill, and Allendale (okay, so I won't miss Allendale all that much but I tried.) 
I'm going to miss East Town, even though sometimes it's super shady. 
I'm going to miss driving past a Presidential Museum every morning on my way to work. 
I'm going to miss driving east on I-196 and coming to the hight of the hill on the west side of the city and seeing your lights blazing brightly. 
I'm going to miss The Amway Grand Hotel and its gorgeous interior. 

Oh Grand Rapids, you've always been there for me. Despite all of the complaints, the tears, the whining, and the bad times please know that I cherish my 4 years with you more than I ever realized. 

Grand Rapids, I'm going to miss you but it's time for me to move on. I'll come back one day. I'll bring my children and husband here and proudly show them the amazing city that changed me and watched me grow into the person they know. 

I love you Grand Rapids. I really do and I always will. 

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