Thursday, May 5, 2011

Kind Hearted Blogger Campaign

Through a series of blog stalking, I came across a blog about an amazing woman named Ashley. I've spent some time reading through her blog and she's been such an inspiration. She's even doing this thing called 'I Am Me' Monday's where you focus on things that you love about yourself. (read the post here. It's majorly inspirational) 

Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Her latest entry introduced me to The Kind Hearted Blogger Pledge. Long story short, the girl who blogs from em jay & me decided to take a stand against the hateful and bullying behavior often seen in the blogosphere. 

I've been the center of some not so nice blog comments/behavior (not on here but elsewhere) and I think this pledge is so great. I know I only have a few followers (aka 2), but if I can make a difference in one person's life, the pledge has worked it's magic. 

So go, check out these two amazing women and take the "I Am Me" Monday's challenge & The Kind Hearted Blogger Pledge. Kay? 

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